Playgroup is the foundation to a child's learning. In the early years children learn through their play. Our playgroup is a free-flow setting which allows children to explore inside and out throughout the year.


We provide a wide range of experiences and opportunities for children to participate in including: messy play, cooking, role-play and woodwork. We also have a variety of workshops which include: book and home corner, water/sand play, mathematics and creative.


As a free-flow setting the children get to enjoy the outside space no matter what the wonderful british weather is doing. We are well prepared with wellington boots and Muddy Puddle suits. There's nothing quite like splashing in puddles and making mud pies.


As well as the opportunity to go from activity to activity as they desire we also plan adult led activities. Cooking is a real favourite. The children love preparing, cooking and especially eating what they've made.


During each session, the children who want to help, cut the fruit and vegetables for snack time. Sitting to share food and refreshments gives the children opportunity to chat with both their peers and the adults present. The children have fruit/vegetables followed by plain biscuits/crackers/bread sticks. Water is available the entire session for the children to help themselves to and milk is brought out for snack time.


During the session each group spends time with their keyperson for small group activities.


Towards the end of the session the children help with 'Tidy-Up' time. Then have a story or sing songs.








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Charity Commission

Registered Charity No. 1032801



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