Fees & Funding


  • Fees must be paid on a regular basis. We are happy to receive half termly or termly payments in advance.
  • Fees should not fall more than 2 weeks in arrears.
  • We accept Cash, Bank Transfers, Cheques and Childcare Vouchers
  • Fees are due for every session booked regardless of attendance.
  • The playgroup reserves the right to review fees on an annual basis.




2, 3 & 4 Year Old

15 hours Free Childcare Entitlement


30 Hour

30 hours Free Childcare Entitlement.  Any additional  hours will be charged at the current hourly rate of £10.00.


The link below is a useful tool to let you know what funding or help you may be entitled to












Free Childcare

Free 15 hours for parents of two-year olds receiving support

Free early education for all three and four-year olds

30 hours free childcare for working parents of three and four-year-olds

Free Early Years Funding: https://www.haringey.gov.uk/children-and-families/childcare-and-early-years/childcare-costs/free-early-education/

Voluntary Contribution

The West Green Playgroup does not receive any additional funding other than the statutory free entitlement funding available to all early year’s providers. The funding we receive falls below what is required to cover the outgoing costs of running the playgroup. We ask all parents in receipt of grant funding to consider making a voluntary contribution towards the shortfall of the amount we receive from the government.  We wish to remain inclusive and although this contribution would greatly help, we acknowledge that not everyone is able to pay it. The suggested amount is £2.50 per hour for every funded hour.

We receive £6.02 per hour from the government for the children entitled to the 15- or 30-hour funding. To cover all our costs such as rent, utilities salaries etc. we need to charge £9.00 per hour per child. A child attending 15 free hours…that is a shortfall of £44.70 per week. Over a term the shortfall is £581.10 per child. With almost 75% of our children being funded we hope you can appreciate why we need to ask for a Voluntary Contribution.

This is of course a VOLUNTARY contribution and as such, we cannot insist that you pay it. We would, be grateful for any contribution no matter how large or small. The suggested Voluntary Contribution is added to your termly invoice.

All voluntary contributions can be treated as donations and as such we can reclaim Gift Aid if you are eligible. For every £1 you donate we can reclaim 25p. We cannot claim Gift Aid on donations made by Childcare Vouchers.



EYR Inspection Report EIF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [94.2 KB]

Charity Commission

Registered Charity No. 1032801



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© West Green Playgroup