We believe in working together - Parents and Staff in Partnership

How you can become involved:



The West Green Playgroup is a registered charity and is managed by a parent committee who are also the trustees. 


The committee is responsible for the management of the playgroup and also supports the staff thereby ensuring the smooth running of the playgroup. Becoming a member of the committee gives you the chance to play an active part in the early-years education of your child, particulary in the decision making and management aspects of the playgroup.


Parents are elected on a yearly basis at the Annual General Meeting.


We welcome all parents to attend committee meetings even if they do not hold a position on the committee. 



We rely heavily on the money we raise through our fundraising efforts. This money is used to purchase or replace most of the toys and equipment the children will use. 


We try to organise a Christmas and Summer Fair each year as well as smaller events such as the sponsored Easter Egg Hunt. It is the generosity of our parents with their time and commitment that ensures the success of these events. 


EYR Inspection Report EIF.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [159.8 KB]

Charity Commission

Registered Charity No. 1032801



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© West Green Playgroup