Your child's Keyperson

Your child will be allocated to one member of staff who will be their keyperson. The keyperson monitors their development during the time they are with us. This helps both staff and children to form a closer bond and allow the children to feel a greater sense of security.


Records are kept and regular meetings are scheduled for you to discuss your child's progress. This allows staff to cater for each child's particular needs, ensuring they can develop important social and cognitive skills.


Your childs keyperson is there as much for you as they are for your child. Never hesitate in approaching them if you have any worries or concerns.




We operate a Co-Keyperson system whereby should your child's primary keyperson be absent, your child will automatically be cared for by another designated member of staff. Throughout their time with us, your child's co-keyworker will ensure they become as familiar with them as they do with their own key children.


EYR Inspection Report EIF.pdf
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Charity Commission

Registered Charity No. 1032801


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